Sunday, 30 September 2018

Time Strategies

Time management is a tricky thing, especially when you're working, or have commitments. It is especially hard to mange time when you are a procrastinator, like most young people today. They think about planning ahead and get put off when they realise the workload. My current time planner works well mostly, but could use some tweaking.
I read 3 Steps to Recapture Time and The Important Habit of Just Starting, both of which were eye opening about how to properly manage my time and getting started on assignments and beating procrastination.

Having four submissions for just Multimedia a week is a struggle by itself, but adding four more modules to that and the stress just overwhelms you. Hopefully the time management skills will help with keeping up to date with the modules for the year.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shane, time management is definitely a tricky thing and can be a bit stressful at times. This article makes some really good points though so hopefully it helped you. It's good that you're time management strategies are working so far, it helps to just take everything one day at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed by trying to manage your time efficiently.
